Your actions matter At School

Alex read in the student paper that the Active Minds chapter on their campus had advocated to incorporate mental health information into courses and syllabi. That information helped Alex feel supported as a new student and let them know where to turn if they needed further resources.

In their course, Alex learned that while not everyone has a mental illness, we all have mental health. And, like our physical health, it’s important to take care of our mental health and seek help if we’re not feeling well.

This distinction helped Alex understand why their on-campus doctor provided them with resources on how to take care of their physical health as well as their mental health through sleep, stress reduction, nutrition, and exercise.

Alex is grateful for the work the Active Minds chapter is doing on campus to create a positive mental health culture and makes a note to attend a future meeting to help out.

Ideas for Taking Action

It’s your turn to send silence packing at your local school! Here are three ways to take action today:

Launch, join, or support an Active Minds chapter.

Read Active Minds’ Position Statement on empowering the student voice in campus mental health decisions (and other position statements).

Explore the best practice key findings reports of the Active Minds Healthy Campus Award Winners.