Your actions matter In the Workplace

Alex works part-time at a restaurant to afford their college tuition. They get along with their manager pretty well but the busy, high-stress role can sometimes leave Alex feeling unsupported and overwhelmed.

They scheduled a meeting with their manager about creating a stronger culture of gratitude and recognition among managers and teammates. They decide they could empower their team together, from both their staff and management roles, and set time to review a workable plan together.

Ideas for Taking Action

It’s your turn to send silence packing in your workplace! Here are three ways to take action today:

Check-in with your manager to see if you can hang Active Minds’ mental health posters in the break room, kitchen, or other common areas at work: one that outlines action steps for using the Validate-Appreciate-Refer communication tool and another that lists mental health resources and phone numbers.

Encourage your employer to add a statement about mental health in the company’s  employee manual.

Work as a team to learn solutions for building trust, addressing burnout, providing opportunities for professional development, and resolving communication issues.