Stipend Funding

When can I expect to receive my reimbursement?

Please be sure to send all of your receipts as early as possible so that our team can quickly process your reimbursement.  With this in mind, the average reimbursement timeframe is 3 – 4 weeks after the conference.

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The stipend I received doesn’t cover enough for me.  Can I receive additional funds?

Our team has a responsibility to equitably distribute funds to all stipend recipients to ensure that all stipend recipients have the chance and opportunity to attend our Mental Health Conference. With this in mind, we are not able to provide an additional amount to the original amount that was awarded.

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How are stipends determined?

Our team has thoroughly researched and calculated the average cost of traveling per region and average hotel night cost to determine a fixed rate for stipend recipients.

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Do stipends cover the cost of meals/food during the conference?

Your Conference Registration Fee, which is waived for Stipend Recipients, covers the cost of four meals provided to you during the conference, breakfast, and lunch on both Friday and Saturday.

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Do stipends cover the Conference registration fee? 

Yes!  If you are awarded a conference stipend, you will receive free registration for our Conference.

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Can I use my stipend towards my college expenses? 

No.  Stipends are to assist in the travel and lodging expenses related to the Active Minds Mental Health Conference only and are non-transferable.

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I was awarded a stipend but I can no longer attend the conference. Can my stipend be transferred to someone else in my chapter?

Due to the high volume of stipend applications we receive, your stipend is non-transferable to individuals in your chapter.  We carefully review each application to ensure that funds are being distributed equitably.

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I was awarded a stipend but I currently do not have the funds to book my travel and lodging for the conference. Now what?

Active Minds staff is available to assist you. Please contact with the subject line “(YOUR NAME) Conference Stipend Recipient.” However, if, at any point, recipients received supportive funding from Active Minds before the conference date and failed to be present at the conference, recipients will be financially responsible for reimbursing Active Minds.

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How are the stipends processed?

Active Minds’ policy is to reimburse the awarded stipend via a direct ACH payment.  Individuals seeking reimbursement should incur the lowest reasonable travel expenses and exercise care to ensure the best use of funds.  As a nonprofit organization, we have a responsibility to our stakeholder supporters to navigate our resources equitably and cost-effectively.  With this…

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What does my stipend cover?

All youth and young adults who are awarded a stipend will receive free conference registration and the stipends can be applied towards travel expenses and lodging needs only. This includes airfare, train transportation, Uber/Lyft rides, and hotel/Airbnb accommodations. Please note that your stipend may not cover the full cost of your travel and lodging needs.

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