Active Minds and U-Thrive Release New Evidence-Based Wellness Curriculum
Washington, D.C. – Active Minds and U-Thrive Educational Services are excited to announce a new Peer-to-Peer Wellness Curriculum designed to empower and prepare college and university students with the skills needed to start the conversation around mental health and create lasting change in their community.
Developed to reduce barriers among students, faculty, administrators, and staff, the U-Thrive & Active Minds Peer-to-Peer Wellness Curriculum provides a shared language to discuss mental health and cultivates a sense of connection among students and their campus community regarding their individual mental well-being.
This evidence-based Curriculum was designed to enhance Active Minds’ existing collegiate programming by helping facilitators create a space for students to discuss mental well-being through open, nonjudgmental, and honest discourse and by providing tailored resources, consistent structure, and open-ended questions mapping on five focus areas: Education, Awareness, Connection, Community, and Action and Advocacy.
“We’re proud of the work that our Active Minds chapter leaders are doing on over 800 campuses across the country. They are smart, driven, and fueled by a passion to make the world a kinder, more compassionate place and to end the stigma around mental health,” said Becky Fein, director of Engagement and Training at Active Minds. “Our new evidenced-based Curriculum gives administrators and educators a path for helping to work together with young adults to enact real change in their community – helping to ultimately create a more healthy world.”
This new Curriculum establishes a strong foundation for students to promote mental health in their campus communities. In addition to Active Minds’ existing services and resources, the lessons in the Curriculum will empower students to normalize mental health and create communities of support.
“U-Thrive Educational Services is honored to partner with Active Minds and support their amazing work to change the conversation about mental health on college campuses. It is imperative to proactively equip college students with the tools and skills needed to handle challenges before they turn into crises. We’re thrilled to be able to extend these powerful resources to thousands of Active Minds chapter members through our joint U-Thrive and Active Minds Peer-to-Peer Wellness Curriculum, ,” Simone Figueroa, President, U-Thrive Educational Services.
The U-Thrive and Active Minds Peer-to-Peer Wellness Curriculum is offered free of charge for Active Minds chapter members. Learn more about the Curriculum HERE.
About Active Minds: Active Minds is the nation’s premier nonprofit organization supporting mental health awareness and education for young adults. Active Minds has a presence at more than 800 campuses, schools, communities, and workplaces nationwide, and is powered by a robust Chapter Network, the nationally acclaimed Send Silence Packing® display, inspiring Active Minds Speakers, and our tailored Active Minds @Work initiative. The organization is dedicated to ending the silence and changing the conversation about mental health for everyone. To learn more, visit
About U-Thrive Educational Services: U-Thrive Educational Services offers proactive mental and emotional wellness programs designed to help college students manage stress, become more resilient, and thrive throughout their undergraduate experiences and beyond. Our programs are led by 35+ experts in the fields of Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, and Self-Compassion from numerous institutions across the country. To learn more, visit
Contact: Amanda Horn, Active Minds,, 202-332-9595 X103