#GivingTuesday and Active Minds

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meet your chapter fundraising goals and join your peers to support Active Minds by participating in #GivingTuesday!

Starting Thursday, November 15 through Tuesday, November 27, we invite you to join us in raising money to support the Active Minds national movement through #GivingTuesday. Every dollar your chapter raises supports the Active Minds mission and counts toward your chapter fundraising goal!

Your efforts help start new chapters and provide resources that empower students all over the country to change the conversation about mental health. In 2018, new chapters launched at 85 high schools, colleges, and universities – and chapter fundraising is a key part of maintaining the momentum!

giving tuesday active minds logo

What is #GivingTuesday?

#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Since its inaugural year in 2012, #GivingTuesday has become a movement that celebrates and supports giving, philanthropy, and community.

why your chapter should participate

On #GivingTuesday, many people are looking for organizations to donate to. Use this day of giving as an opportunity to encourage friends and family to support the Active Minds national movement – and meet your fundraising goals at the same time!

How we’ll help

The national office will provide individualized support for your fundraising efforts, samples of social media posts for your campaigns, and a chance to win bonuses for your achievements! Fill out this interest form and we’ll reach out to talk about your goals for Giving Tuesday.

We’ll also re-post your #GivingTuesday posts – be sure to tag us!

how to participate

  1. Create a team or join an existing team on the Active Minds Chapter Network Crowdrise Campaign. (Crowdrise is an online fundraising platform built specifically for nonprofits.) Pro-tip: Active Minds staff will help you with this if you would like! Fill out this form.
  2. Beginning Wednesday, Nov. 14 through Tuesday, Nov 27, spread the word! Use the suggested language provided below to post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, encouraging friends and family to donate to your chapter’s team page! Download the social media images below, or create your own! Use the images as is or add your own chapter logo.
  3. All donations made towards your team will be credited to your chapter’s fundraising goals for the academic year! Viola!


The chapter who raises the most money AND the chapter who engages the highest number of donors will win a virtual meeting with Alison Malmon, Active Minds’ very own Founder and Executive Director, for a special thanks.

Crowdrise FAQs

How do join a team and start fundraising?
Joining a team is super easy. On every campaign, you can join the fun by clicking the “Join the Team” button on the right side of the page. With a click of a button you’ll have a campaign set up linked to the original one, and can help raise more money than you ever thought possible for your cause.

How do I invite friends and supporters to join my campaign and help me fundraise?
So awesome that you want to grow your fundraising team! The best way to do this is to contact your friends and family through social media or email.

I want to donate on behalf of a chapter.
Great! If your chapter already has a team set up you can simply click the “Donate” button and select your chapter from the dropdown list.

If your chapter does not yet have a team set up, let’s make one! You can click the “Create a team” button and make a team on behalf of your chapter in just a few minutes, then you can promote it with the rest of your chapter. If you have any trouble, reach out to chapters@activeminds.org for support from Active Minds staff.

Sample social media posts

  • Help @Active_Minds continue to change the conversation around mental health! By giving just $5, you are helping students like us continue to do lifesaving work on campuses across the country. [insert donation form link] #GivingTuesday
  • No one should struggle alone. Help @Active_Minds continue to change the conversation around mental health to provide hope and help to students on campuses across the country. [insert donation form link] #GivingTuesday
  • Join the worldwide #GivingTuesday movement! By giving just $5, you are helping @Active_Minds continue to make an impact on campuses across the country. [insert donation form link]
  • Join the worldwide #GivingTuesday movement! Your gift will make a lasting impact on the lives of thousands of students this year. Just ask us! @Active_Minds [insert donation form link]
  • Today is the day for us to come together and give collectively to remind students that there is hope and help is available. If you give today, your donation will power 15,000+ students doing impactful work on college and high school campuses – and will help save lives. In 2018, new chapters launched at 85 high schools, colleges, and universities. Help students like us continue to do lifesaving work on campuses across the country! [insert donation link]

Social media ideas & tips

  • Dedicate your chapters’ Instagram story to #GivingTuesday by sharing information about Active Minds and encouraging people to donate.
  • Post a message on Facebook sharing how Active Minds has impacted your chapter.
  • Share the social media images and chapter donation form with friends and family so they can spread the word, too.