Blog Posts by Emily Bach

Meet our 2020 Summer Interns!

Say hello to our wonderful group of summer 2020 interns! We are so excited to learn and grow alongside these passionate and driven mental health advocates. John Cohill Where do you go to school? What do you study?  I go to the University of Delaware, where I study Public Policy and Administration.  Where did you…

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How to Be an Ally During Pride Month

It’s Pride Month, which for some means celebrating with rainbow cakes and free-flying flags, but for others means facing new versions of daily fears. For people still on their “coming out journey,” being told to wear your colors as brightly as possible can feel like asking a peacock to spread its feathers in a cramped…

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Graduating into a New Reality Thanks to a 6-3 Opinion

Content Warning: This piece contains mentions of suicide statistics. Today, I turned a short tassel on my head from left to right and found myself with tears in my eyes. Walking across a nearly empty stage, filled more by COVID fears than celebration, I graduated into a different world. Yesterday, I would’ve entered a professional…

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