Stress Less Week: 12 Ways to Practice Self-Care During Finals

3 min

Lauren Abdill
Lauren Abdill

This #StressLess Week, we challenged our social media followers to take extra good care of themselves by practicing self-care and then posting a #SelfCareSelfie. Once again, we were floored by the response (you guys are excellent selfie-takers) and want to keep this self-care train going.

Without further ado, here are 12 ways to practice self-care, as suggested by our stellar #SelfCareSelfie contributions:

1. Snuggle with a pet

2. Help out your community

3. Take care of your physical health

4. Play an instrument

6. Spend some time in the sunshine

7. Spend time with loved ones (bonus points if it’s a kiddo)

8. Practice loving yourself

9. Take it easy

10. Get your nails done

11. Get some exercise

12. Get a massage