Supporting Co-Workers - Students - Friends and Family Members
Sign the Here For You Pledge
As we make decisions around socializing, cope with the new normal, and advocate for continued flexibility and empathy we may have experienced during the pandemic, it will be important to support others around us. Sign the Here For You Pledge to show others you care.
Supporting the wellbeing of friends and family
Knowing that someone you love is struggling with their mental health can be scary and confusing. You may feel helpless, but you can make a difference by listening, being prepared, and knowing when to act. The most important thing to do is to walk beside them with compassion and empathy. See Active Minds’ tips for…
Supporting the wellbeing of students at school
Although educators cannot (and should not) be expected to replace the role of mental health professionals, they can take actions as helpers, not clinicians, to support struggling students. Active Minds’ guide, “Creating a Culture of Caring,” provides practical approaches that educators can implement in “the everyday.” By doing so, they can contribute to the creation…
Supporting the wellbeing of your co-workers
Employers all over the world are starting to attend to the mental health culture of their companies for their employees’ wellbeing, and their bottom line. See Active Minds’ tips for supporting employees and check out Active Minds’ @Work program, which offers simple and actionable tools to employees and employers to improve the culture of mental…