For several years, Active Minds has been supporting and encouraging chapters to fundraise on behalf of the National organization. We’d love to tell you a bit more about why, and what those dollars are helping to accomplish.
Where are the dollars going?
- Creating new programs, campaigns, and resources that we work hard to keep free and broadly accessible to chapters. Among those, Transform Your Campus, Active Minds for Every Mind, V-A-R, Chapter Foundations Workbook, Chapter Office Hours, and more!
- Launching new chapters! In the 2017-2018 school year we activated 85 new chapters on campus and through each of those, touched the lives of thousands of people with the positive mental health messaging that all of you bring to your campus communities.
- “Keeping the lights on.” A small percentage of our annual budget goes to the expense of maintaining an office such as making copies, electricity bills, etc. Active Minds is proud to have maintained recognition as a “Top-Rated Nonprofit” by Great Nonprofits for several years based on our financial transparency and commitment to our cause.
What’s in it for us as chapters, you may ask…
- Cool bonuses! We have a tiered bonus structure that rewards your hard work with cool Active Minds swag, handouts, specialized technical assistance from staff, and more!
- Enhanced chapter cohesion and strength: over the years we’ve witnessed a correlation between chapters that set fundraising goals and overall chapter strength. Setting goals and achieving them augments the chapter’s sense of accomplishment and teamwork, and leads to further success.
- Professional development: many future professional endeavors will value the skills gained through strategic fund development. Pro-tip: Be sure to add your work with your Active Minds chapter to your resume!
- Last, but certainly not least, the opportunity to contribute to the national mental health movement. Active Minds is the only nationwide organization that specifically supports and empowers student-powered mental health advocacy. And your fundraising dollars help make that possible!
Thank you for all of your incredible contributions to the field of mental health, including your fundraising dollars! Always remember, we’re here for you, ready to support, hash out ideas, and offer guidance wherever you need it.
Another pro-tip! The best way to communicate with your peers and National Staff is through Slack, our online chat platform.