Suicide Prevention Month

suicide prevention month

Join Active Minds for suicide prevention

You can plan activities to raise awareness and action for mental health awareness during Suicide Prevention Month in September. We’ve compiled some great activity suggestions, educational resources, and social media images to help in your planning.

Complete the form below, and after you press “submit” you’ll see a download form. Clicking that will download a resource kit (PDF) to your device.

Thanks for joining Active Minds for suicide prevention.

Melina Acosta suicide prevention month

stories of lives lost

Research shows that people who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when someone asks after them in a caring way.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Need You Here bracelets suicide prevention month

“The World Needs You Here” bracelet

It’s the bracelet with the most powerful message of them all. Wear it. Share it. Raise awareness for mental health and suicide prevention with our exclusive $5 bracelet.

Get Your Bracelet


Your voice is your power. Why do you speak out about mental health?