Get involved with Active Minds

get involved active minds

A conversation can be life changing. For many people, feeling supported is just what they need.

It can be challenging, though, to know exactly what to say when someone tells you they are stressed, having a difficult day, or have a mental health need.

Active Minds’ 3 V-A-R Steps help you know what to say and do when you want to support someone you care about. A conversation that includes the elements of Validate-Appreciate-Refer is one that allows you to actively listen to someone you care about and help them cope or bounce back.

Keep the steps with you on-the-go >

Interested in starting an Active Minds chapter on your campus? Are you already part of a chapter and want to learn how to accelerate your growth as an organization? Complete the form below to download our Lifecycle of a Chapter resource — the ultimate guide for launching, evolving, and sustaining an Active Minds chapter on your campus.