To the students of Parkland and across the country: We watch with excitement as you start the March For Our Lives movement. Fifteen years ago, Active Minds too was founded with an unshakable belief in the power of the student voice and continues today, confident that young people will change the world.
Too often, silence takes the place of important conversation, but you all have turned the volume up. By supporting each other and working together through unimaginable pain, you have made the world stop and pay attention. You have made it clear: empowered students can make an impact.
With March For Our Lives happening here in DC and throughout the country tomorrow, we want to share our support and let you know: your message has been received.
Your voice.
Your power.
Keep fighting.
For Active Minds’ position statement on the student voice, download our Recommendations to Empower the Student Voice in Campus Mental Health Decisions.