Coping with the New Normal
Maintaining healthy habits
Has the pandemic impacted your habits that would typically help you feel your best? Have you gotten out of the habit of drinking water, for example? Or are your sleeping patterns off? Check out our tools for setting daily reminders for yourself and getting your habits back on track.
Maintaining social connection virtually
Everyone has a basic need for community and social connection. Even if you are not ready for in-person socializing just yet, there are many opportunities to stay connected while practicing social distancing. If you are a student, check out Active Minds’ Student Slack Network for instant opportunities to get to know other mental health advocates…
Navigating tough life transitions
As workplaces and schools continue to navigate the pandemic, many might still need to support, i.e. those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, acting as caregivers, or missing out on anticipated life events. For strategies for coping, see these helpful resources from the National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health,…
Dealing with mixed emotions about returning to “normal”
It’s clear that the world will likely never go completely back to normal; rather, we may need to find new constructs for a different, new “normal.” Feeling mixed emotions about that adjustment is normal. Are you feeling low or living with a diagnosable mental health issue? Check out these resources for when your emotions are…